PETITION: We demand a public inquiry for grooming victim Charlene Downes

150,000 Target


Charlene Downes (pictured) disappeared on 1 November 2003, when she was just fourteen years old, from her home town of Blackpool.

She was targeted by an Islamist grooming gang who abducted her, subjected her to sexual abuse, murdered her, then minced her body into kebab meat.

Charlene's murder was part of a protracted local Islamist grooming problem in Blackpool, where dozens of underage girls have been targeted, "swapping sex for food, cigarettes and affection".

According to an internal police report, Downes was one of sixty girls in Blackpool, some as young as eleven, who had been groomed by men to carry out sex acts.

What happened to Charlene was horrific, but the only people to have been convicted of any crimes are Charlene's brother and sister, both convicted of "assaulting" the suspects accused of murdering her.

After two failed trials to convict Charlene's murderers, the suspects were released. One of them went on to be convicted of assaulting an eighteen year old girl.

We demand justice for Charlene Downes, regardless of how much time has passed. She was an innocent victim of a grooming gang and deserves to be remembered.

Britain First and the family of Charlene Downes are calling for a public inquiry to look once again at the evidence and the failings by Lancashire Police which allowed a gang of paedophile murderers to walk free.

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  • 2021-07-03 15:49:14 +0100
    These animals need locking up and doing a long time in prison the family of charlene need and deserve justice come on Lancashire police do your job and put these sicko’s away stop sitting on the fence and fearing being called racist its your job to lock up criminals which is what these sicko’s are and start acting now
  • 2021-07-03 15:49:04 +0100
    Asian Grooming are allowed to carry out their filthy deeds because of politically correct Policies carried out by the Police and Government officials.
  • 2021-07-03 15:48:58 +0100
    Capital punishment for the scumbag’s who commit these vile crimes
  • 2021-07-03 15:48:41 +0100
    England and its oeople have lost its faith and culture and also faith in our Britich Justice System .The police,councils,social workers and magistrates are all afraid of being called r…sts whil’st our new visitors who slowly are replacing our population and culture thrive.
  • 2021-07-03 15:48:04 +0100
    Re-arrest the scum get them sent down then deport them to the Shitholes they slithered away from not fit to in our Oxygen.
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:56 +0100
    This is disgusting and all to often social services and the police turn a blind eye it’s about time there was a task force concentrating on grooming gangs all over England!! Disgusting paedo cunts
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:54 +0100
    This is terrible and these people should not get away with what they did, they should be punished.
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:48 +0100
    The police are scared to death of confronting these people, most of the blame should be heaped on our so called elected politicians who’s sole aim is re-election.
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:44 +0100
    This is giving all muslims a bad name

    British judicial system has failed these children. Like in Saudi Arabia, crustrate them
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:16 +0100
    Justice needs to be done
  • 2021-07-03 15:47:15 +0100
    Once again the law turns a blind eye due to the race of the culprits
  • 2021-07-03 15:46:48 +0100
  • 2021-07-03 15:46:26 +0100
    Justice MUST be done
  • 2021-07-03 15:46:09 +0100
    This is a terrible injustice, what the hell is going on ,there seems to be no justice for these young girls, whats up with the authorities who as its seen as because the perbatraters are to a certain extent the authorities are more afraid of being labelled" RACIST" it seems than justice its Cowardly and how these people can sleep at night knowing what they know is unbelievable, when a man goes to get his young daughter from a house which had a amount of drugs and drink were involved the incompetent police have the father arrested, Its unbelievable all his asked his justice for these young vulnerable girls from these vicious grooming gangs as “White Meat” theres your Racism, my grandfathers fought for this?